ROMANIA: Burduja says that, in the last year, contracts were signed on non-refundable funds of 13.6 billion euros
The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, stated, on Friday, in Prahova, that in the last year contracts were signed on non-refundable funds amounting to 13.6 billion euros, emphasizing the fact that Romania is in the midst of an “energy revolution”.
“We made a calculation and looked at the funds that we managed to sign in the last year, non-reimbursable funds – PNRR, the Modernization Fund and we also published the broken down statistics and we added up somewhere to 13.6 billion euros. For the same period, I looked at the statistics published by the National Bank of Romania related to foreign direct investments, somewhere up to 6 billion euros, I think 5.6. You realize what the contribution of the national energy system means, the value of these investments, here , two and a half times more than all the foreign direct investments of the last year. So, yes, we are in the midst of an energy revolution and I am glad that this project contributes to this success”, said the minister.
He participated in the inauguration of the first photovoltaic park built by a state company with funds from PNRR, in Valea Călugărească commune, Prahova county.
“Today we are talking about a photovoltaic park of five megawatts. For friends from the press, I know you are used to writing about tens or hundreds of megawatts, but why is it a symbolic project for us and for the SAPE team and for Romania: it is the first project in The PNRR, which is closing, therefore, begins to produce green energy for Romania. It is a project that includes a storage component of one megawatt, as we wish to see in as many projects as possible in the national energy system, and through the prism of what’s happening on the balancing market in this period, we see how important storage is”, mentioned Sebastian Burduja, in this context.