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ROMANIA: The Ministry of Energy launched the energy strategy of Romania 2025-2035, with the perspective of the year 2050


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Today, June 14, the Ministry of Energy launched in public consultation the project of the Energy Strategy of Romania 2025-2035, with the perspective of 2050.

This is a programmatic document that defines the vision and establishes the fundamental development objectives of the national energy sector. The document also indicates the national, European and global benchmarks that influence and determine policies and decisions in the energy field.

The Energy Strategy takes into account the economic, technological and geopolitical transformations at the global and regional level, as well as the major challenges generated by the need for the green transition, market fluctuations and Romania’s border position in the EU and NATO, with ongoing wars in the immediate future neighborhood. Moreover, considering the fact that the energy security of Romania is inextricably linked to that of the Republic of Moldova, it is essential that the national energy sector has the capacity to satisfy all the needs of the Republic of Moldova, in any situation. Thus, Romania aspires to strengthen its role as a regional pillar of energy security.

Having a diversified energy mix, Romania has a considerable advantage, having sufficient natural, financial and human resources to modernize the energy sector, aligning it with the community objectives of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. This sector must be prepared to support economic growth and the transformation of the economy as a whole, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of life.

All reform and modernization objectives take into account affordability, inclusiveness and economic competitiveness for citizens and industrial consumers that the energy sector serves.

Thus, Romania’s Energy Strategy aims to achieve six fundamental objectives:

Energy security
Low carbon energy
Energetic efficiency
Physical access to energy for all consumers and financial accessibility and economic competitiveness of energy
Efficient energy markets
Digitization, smart grid development and cyber security

Romania’s Energy Strategy is based on the following principles that must be fulfilled simultaneously:

Prioritizing security of supply and crisis response capacity;
Development of the energy sector based on the principle of economic efficiency and rationality;
Economic and social equity for regions and people;
Achieving climate neutrality by 2050;
Creating a free, competitive and entrepreneurial energy market;
Technological neutrality and the exploitation of all energy resources that can contribute to reducing emissions and strengthening the production chain;
Development of the electric and thermal energy storage sector;
Consolidation of the supply chain dedicated to the energy industry;
Development of the circular economy.

Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Energy: “Romania aims to develop the energy sector under conditions of security, industrial competitiveness, accessibility for consumers and sustainability. The national energy sector must ensure the uninterrupted physical availability of energy to all consumers, in any situation, at an affordable price. Furthermore, the energy sector must become increasingly clean and environmentally friendly.

The Energy Strategy is the result of the work of experts from the Ministry of Energy, with the consultation of subordinate companies and institutions. The members of the Honorary Energy Council, renowned experts in industry and academia, also made a key contribution. The creation of this programmatic document did not use external consulting and did not spend a single lei from the budget.

During the public consultation period, we await with great interest the contributions of each interested actor. As always, the Ministry of Energy has its doors wide open for dialogue.”

The document is in public consultation between June 14 and July 13 inclusive: https://energie.gov.ro/proiect-de-hotarare-pentru-aprobarea-strategiei-energetice-a-romaniei-2025-2035-cu-perspectiva -year-2050/


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